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J. Diaz Castro, J. Moreno Fernández
J.J. Ochoa Herrera,
"The Link between DHA and Bone Turnover in the Preterm Neonate", "Preterm Birth: Prevalence, Risk Factors and Management", 57-78, 2020
J. Moreno Fernández, M.I. Lopez Aliaga, J.J. Ochoa Herrera, M.J. Muñoz Alferez
J. Diaz Castro,
"Elaboration of teaching material for students with special needs", "EDULEARN19", 8620-8623, 2019
F. Sánchez, T. Nestares Pleguezuelo, V. Tejada Medina
C. Enrique Mirón,
"Avanzando hacia la implantación de buenas prácticas para una docencia saludable", "La investigación en el Campus de la UGR en Melilla", 145-148, 2019
M.I. Lopez Aliaga, J. Diaz Castro, M.J. Muñoz Alferez, J.J. Ochoa Herrera
J. Moreno Fernández,
"Evaluation of the current learning situations of university students with visual and hearing special needs", "EDULEARN19", 8614-8619, 2019
J.M. Paredes Martínez, M. Sanchez Polo, M.J. Ruedas Rama, A. Conejo García, J.M. Gonzalez Perez, E.M. Talavera-Rodriguez, E. García Fernández, J.A. González Vera, C. Monteagudo, R.C. Navarrete Casas, P. Rodriguez Bouzas, M. Romero Pérez, E. González Muñoz, M.D.C. González García
M.J. Muñoz Alferez,
"Tutorial, professional, personal and academic orientation of university students "TUTORGRADOS 2.0"", "ICERI2019 Proceedings", 5163-5170, 2019
J. Moreno Fernández, J.J. Ochoa Herrera
J. Diaz Castro,
"Use of a gamification tool in the university classroom to motivate a new generation of students", "10th Annual International conference on education, and new learning technologies", 1580-1587, 2018
J. Moreno Fernández, M.I. Lopez Aliaga, J.J. Ochoa Herrera, M.J. Muñoz Alferez, M. Pulido-Morán
J. Diaz Castro,
"Design of AANDA (Applicate y Apprueba: New didactic application) in physiology sciences)", "10th Annual International conference on education, and new learning technologies", 1588-1594, 2018
R.C. Navarrete Casas, P. Rodriguez Bouzas, J.M. Paredes Martínez, E. González Muñoz
M.J. Muñoz Alferez,
"Use of a game-based learning platform to identify deficiencies in basic subjects of first year university students", "EDULEARN18 Proceedings", 2741-2747, 2018
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024